If you've ever wanted to see me, Brandi Whyne, Space Pirate extraordinaire, in "action", don't fret... You'll be able to read a no-holds bar interview with yours truly this coming November 17 - 18 on The Sex Marks the G-Spot blog.
You know, with a blog name like that, it's gonna be good. ;-)
Other excitement this past week included Celine re-doing her web site yet again. Honestly! She needs to spend more time on my blog and less on hers, but there you go. Check out her new home page at http://www.celinechatillon.com/ and her Celine's Dreams blog at http://celinesdreams.blogspot.com/ And be sure to tell her if there are any typos, boo-boos or missing links. She'll love that... Bwahahahaha!
And if you've ever wanted to see all the purchase links for my books in one place, be sure to check out http://tinyurl.com/celineatextasy
Until then, keeping reading my Incredibly Erotic Adventures!
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